Thursday, April 29, 2004
Happy day, things went my way!!
Ok, everything got done yesterday! Yippee!! Things are back on track and I need that. Hectic days ahead. Which brings me to my next topic. As things get busier with me trying to get ready for Vegas and the kids things, I haven't been able to do much blog hopping and keeping up on everyone's lives. I'm sorry about this, not that anyone probably cares, LOL! But I do enjoy popping in and annoying you guys when I can!! So I may not be around for awhile, but you are all in my thoughts and I will jump around and see what's going on with all of you, I just may not get a chance to comment much. I will be thinkin' about ya though!
Have a GREAT day everyone, the weekend is almost here!!
As told by moi 8:28 AM
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
No Irish luck for me!!
No big deal to the rest of the world, but yesterday we had thunderstorms and high winds. Since we live in the "Evergreen State" you might be interested to know that Evergreen tree limbs fly around quite nicely in high winds. Tree limbs flying around like to land on power lines and cause power outages.... And so my afternoon was a little more adventurous then I had the time for! So, skipped lunch to get out of work early and get to my nails done. Made it to the mall, walking through the mall the lights flicker....hmmm....Hope we don't lose power..... Next - total darkness. *Sigh* Lovely. So a call to the hubby lets me know that he is stuck at the ice rink with a bunch of 8 year olds on skates who think skating in the dark is COOL and a bunch of parents that don't. So off I go with still stubby nails to get the girl-child stuck at the dance studio. The normal 30 minute drive turns into 2 1/2 hrs. Had to turn around and detour 4 times to get around the fallen trees and the sit thru the traffic lights that are now 4 way stops. Or, 12 way stop in some cases, and boy is that fun to figure out!!
And so at 9:00pm I arrive home (mind you my adventures began at 4:00pm) to find a certain 8 year old boy so charged up you could have lit the neighborhood with the energy. Between the ice rink experience, driving home through the "devastation" and helping dad find the flashlights and candles his "amp factor" was pretty much the equivalent of an entire package of pixie sticks with a Red Bull chaser! Needless to say getting to sleep was not happening anytime soon. Eventually we all settled down to sleep to the sounds of sirens from the fire trucks and police cars and the blue flashes from exploding transformers.....
Lights are on today, and we were awoken to the lovely sound of Meems Goofy alarm clock (ours of course didn't work) We had found the Goofy alarm clock shoved in the back of Meems' closet. When I asked her why it was back there and she wasn't using it, she said she tried to once and when it went off it scared her. Well after this morning, I can totally understand. I will shove it back into the black hole in her closet myself!
And so I will try again today, going to skip lunch and try and get things done. Only 13 more days 'till Vegas and I don't appreciate everyone trying to sabotage my carefully laid out plans!!
Have a good "hump day" everyone!
As told by moi 8:11 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Bad Karrie!!
I have been remiss in my duties..... Yes it's Tuesday, and that means there are......
3 more Tuesdays 'till Vegas!!
As told by moi 10:29 AM
Salt in the wound.....
Apparently my love for hockey and my beloved Av's is well known here at work. After having to suffer through yet another lame defeat, (I showed up for the game to bad the Av's didn't!), I come to work and find my cubie PAPERED in Sharks crap!! It's everywhere and multiplying!! I turn around and someone has stuck up yet another reminder!! This can be attributed to the 3 little juvenile boys that sit at the end of the row, who happen to be Philly fans!! Little shits! Now excuse me, I have to go shark hunting!!
Having practice as a mother helps! With the right look and tone, you can reduce practical jokers to sniffling, groveling little boys! I am a true DIVA!!
As told by moi 8:18 AM
Monday, April 26, 2004
A big THANK YOU to Miss Sue!!
Yes, Thank You Miss Sue!! For scheduling 3 dance competition for my daughter on the last 3 weekend before I go to Vegas!! Needless to say, things are a little hectic around the old homestead! But! That's life, crazy, but you keep moving on. And so in between dance rehearsal and competition I did actually manage to get a few things accomplished.
I found my Shoes!! I actually found 2 pairs of shoes, total hoochie Vegas shoes, LOVE 'EM!! And because I got them both for under $30 you can't beat that. Found the outfit I think I'll be wearing for the wedding and some oh so cute little shirts for those fun Vegas evenings! A few more odd and ends here and there when I had a moment and I'm close wrapping things up! And don't you all care. LOL!!
Oh and back to the subject of Meems dance.... Totally misread the rehearsal schedule! My bud, Lars' band Monotone Pictures was playing Fado again Friday night and I, of course, went. I thought I had to get Meems to dance at 12:00; nope it was 10:00! OK, usually no big deal but, when you roll in at 2:00am and have to be up and functioning at 8:00am - that kinda hurts! And then on Sunday, Meems went to the competition with the rest of the group and we were going to come later when she was suppose to go on. I say "suppose to" because when we got there, they had gotten ahead of schedule and she had already performed! Mother of the year award moment!! So, yippee!! I found shoes but the rest of the weekend was sort of a bust!! Oh well, 5 more days and I can try again!
Have a nice week everyone!
As told by moi 9:14 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Another day to get through....
I love the Stanley Cup playoffs. I hate the way I feel after staying up and watching the Stanley Cup Playoff..... The Sens lost to the Maple Leafs and now we can move on at my house. It's been a little tense with the boys, Hubby wanted the Maps, the Booge wanted the Sens. Thank God they only play 7 games!! Very unhappy Booge, very immature gloating hubby, who said the Booge would have rubbed it in his face if the Sens had won! Yes, but he's 8!! Which only re-enforced my long standing opinion that I am actually a single mother with 3 children.....
And so today I think I'll just putter around and do a bit of Blog hopping and see what's happening in everybody else's world.
Chat Later!!
As told by moi 8:35 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Too Tired....
I'm too tired to post anything, stayed up late watching hockey...I did post pics on the family blog if ya want to take a peek. That's about it. *Yawns* Talk to ya later....*Yawns again*
Oh!! I forgot 4 more Tuesdays!
As told by moi 8:21 AM
Monday, April 19, 2004
Happy Monday!
Well, before I sign on to all the other sites I thought I would jump on and recap the weekend. To start off I was up until 4:30 am on Friday night finishing up Meem's dance costumes. Needless to say, I dropped her off at dress rehearsal and fell back into bed and pretty much slept through the rest of Saturday!! But, Kent had everything under control, woke me up to tell me he was going to pick up Meems and the Booge was over at My friend Dede's house playing with Jake. I roll out of bed to silence - Ahhhh! I get a call from Dede and all she's says is "I'm keeping your kid, does he have to be anywhere tomorrow?" MAGIC WORDS!! (Code for Booge is sleeping over here, when do I need to get him home, or can he just stay 'till whenever) So, a nice quiet afternoon with the hubby watching the hockey game and cracking the whip at Meems to keep working on her project. It dawns on me about 8:00pm that Dede never came by to pick up Booge's stuff after the baseball game. Give her a ring and say I'll be coming by, grab his stuff and the martini fixin' and the phone rings - before I even pick it up - Kent's yells "Don't take all my pop down there!" See, Dede likes "Smith & Wesson's" and doesn't like using regular Pepsi because of the caffeine, but she knows Kent drinks caffeine free Pepsi and she's ALWAYS bummin! Oh well, that;s what friends are for! Sure enough before she even gets the question out of her mouth, I say I've got it and I'm on my way. A loverly Saturday night in the burb's on the deck sippin' drinks with the neighbors and keeping 6 boys from killing each other... Sunday dawns at 11:00 am for me, since I was up 'till 3:00am on Saturday. But, like I told Kent I'm practicing for those late nights in Vegas! And if your read my other post that mentioned Dede, you know her troubles and she was in need of a bit of a breakdown and much needed vent. So Sunday was catch up day - Catch up the wash, the bills, the errands here and there and then a lazy Sunday afternoon into evening. Finally Meems gets her project done at 9:00 and we can officially put a "the end" on the weekend. After Meems got the project finished I asked her to tell me honestly, when did she get the assignment, how long did she really have to get this done....... JANUARY!! I calmly let loose a tirade about blah, blah, blah, turned around, and went to bed. And here we are, it's Monday and I'm officially ready to start the race to Vegas.
Ready, Set, GO!!
As told by moi 8:04 AM
Thursday, April 15, 2004
This has NOT been a good week....
I'm mad, no I'm PISSED! I am ready to pull my hair out - actually I want to kill Em, but this might be frowned upon in polite society, so I'll just snatch myself bald instead. This girl sat on her ass for an entire week during springbreak last week, sleeping in and playing video games. Fine! This is the first time she got to stay home and didn't have to go to the sitter's and I wanted her to have one of those nice typical lazy kid vacations. However, what she failed to tell us was that she had a MAJOR project due at school this Friday! And she hadn't even started it. So what does she do on Monday, after I leave in the morning she calls Kent on his cell phone to tell him she needs some stuff to START this project. She does an end-around and tries to get past ME. BAD MOVE! I have been riding her ass for 3 straight days now to try and get this thing done. She, and I mean SHE, 'cuz I am not going to help this time!, has to do a display board for the country of Argentina - A full color map, a flag, a clay bust of Eva Peron, a quilt square for the world quilt the class is making and a full report. In 4 days!! And I don't think it's going to happen. I told Em she would have to ask the teacher if she could get an extention 'till Monday. She says she will ask, but the teacher wants a reason, like your computer is broken or something.... Well guess what darlin', you are just going to have to fess up and tell her the truth. You just didn't get it done because you "forgot" to get it started! For which I was award the classic daughter look. Which I threw back at her with the classic mother look and here we are. GRRRRRRRRR!!!! AND and top of that she has missed 5 homework assignments that need to also be turned in by Friday. GRRRRRR!! *sighs* Ok, I'm better!! Sorry guys! Had to get that out, because tonight I also have to finish her performance dance costume for this weekend and would not want to be around the house all fired up with scissors in my hand. Kiss, Kiss ~ Thanks for listening!
As told by moi 8:26 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Passing the Torch
All right then, my turn has come, so here we go:
1. If there is one mistake you could save your children from making as they grow up, what would it be and why?
I think I would have to go with the classic: Stay in school. Neither Kent or I went to college and it was a mistake. Both of us could have and did not. We are the lucky ones, with hard work we have made a very good life for ourselves. But, would the road have been smoother or the options we had greater if we had chosen college? Looking back, it's ironic. We both ducked out because we didn't want the hard work and in the end probably worked harder.
2. This person (fill in blank) inspires you, and why?
Dede Barker: Dede's life growing up would be your classic Lifetime channel, movie of the week story. A very BAD childhood and things done to her that no one should even imagine, let alone go through. Now jump ahead to mid-late 30's, she married and starts to have kids (mine and hers are the same ages). When her oldest was 3, he was considered just a goofy boy ("you know what boys are like", blah, blah, blah) Dede didn't think so, and with her background went looking for some answers. Her son was diagnosed ADHD and she has done battle for her son ever since. (He's now 12). This has been a battle at home, a battle at school, a battle at work and with her own friends who can't understand or tolerate the situation. (And we won't go into the feelings I have for those so-called "freinds") I have watch her go through this from day one and have been there to hold her up when she has wanted to collapse, but she never gives up.
3. Your son has the chance of playing in the pros, but must skip college to do so. How do you feel about that?
Please refer to question #1! LOL! But seriously, if I was there to watch him go through the struggles and hardships for all those years, I wouldn't deny him the opportunity to achieve his dreams. Not for a minute! Now, don't think I wouldn't nag him with example after example of players who have played AND continued there education! He's smart enough now to see that it only takes one hit to possibly end a career. I would hope he would listen. If not, I'd let his sister at him for awhile!!
And now it's my turn to pass the torch to Terri
1> If you had the chance to go back to one moment in your life, would it be to change the outcome or relive the moment?
2> If you were given the chance to change one body part, what would it be?
3> What song, when you hear it, brings back the happiest memory for you?
As told by moi 8:35 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Hello, everybody!
I have been working on a project with the kids. They wanted to start a blog to keep in touch with grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins etc.... My parents are RVing it around the country. This has been a 2 year trek, so far - up and sold the house, put everything in storage and off they went!! And it's hard to remember all those things you want to let them know when you finally catch up with them! (However, it's was nice when they stopped in Greeley this summer - gotta catch the Def Leppard show!) And Kent's parents just live in Seattle, but they have been be kinda sick and not going out much and have missed the kids things.(and there's a whole other blog post there I won't subject you to!) My brother and his family are in Denver, Kent's sister is in Carmel, Ca and my niece is in college at Grinnell (Yet another link to the great state of Iowa!) So Anyhoo....
I tried to get it up and running before Easter so we could let the family know to pop in. NOPE! Couldn't get it to work, figures! So, I've been messing around with it 'cuz the kids really wanted to get it started. And yes, there are 2 weather pixies... I was not going to pick between and girl and a boy. So - Girl-child got to pick one and Boy-child got to pick one. So much less stress. It's pretty much done and I can start posting some pics. Lucky you! You won't be subjected to so many pics! You're Saved!!
And I think I'm done! Geez! Betcha wish I'd stayed quiet a little while longer, uh??
As told by moi 9:42 AM
And the number is: 5! That's right, 5 more Tuesdays!
Back later....
As told by moi 9:16 AM
Monday, April 12, 2004
*Yawns* It's Monday.....
Hi, I don't feel like saying much right now. Maybe I will later.
It is April 12th though.....And on May 12th we'll be heading for Vegas!!
As told by moi 8:46 AM
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Well I didn't get to pop in and say much today. I was actually busy composing a post of another kind. But first:
Well I thought I would start with a few more pics - lucky you!
1) Now Jules had commented on the little "angel" Booge - Well, this pic did me in. Look at that wittle face!! I just want to reach thru the cage and give him a big huge kiss! MWAH!
2) Ok, so I was showing the kidlets the pics I had originally posted and
my oldest child (hubby) pops in to say he had just gotten some pics
back from his hockey game, "what about this one where I'm blocking this guy" I laugh and then I look at him and he serious!! So here it is...
he's the one the left, tall guy in black. Dork!
3) I want to again thank you all for the the nice comments about my pic. And here's why:
Yeppers! That's me 8 years ago!! So I mean it when I say I REALLY do appreciate it!
And now on to something a little more serious, and what occupied my time today......
Now, having posted this after Jules eloquently put post to her blog, there will be those that think I'm being a copy-cat. So be it! You don't know how long this has been floating around in my head. You don't know about the conversations I have had about this - And you don't know me. I'm not out to change the world, just straightening out mine.
As I said in my letter, this is my choice and my hope truly is that Lepcon is a success. I believe in the spirit of Lepcon, just not the politics and the ego. I will still be in Vegas that weekend to celebrate with Brian and April and share the weekend with the great friends I have met along the way thru this nutty Def Leppard thing we all love.
If I haven't met you yet, and you will be going to Lepcon, I hope we can meet. I'll be around. If that's not in the cards or not your choice - That's cool and you have that right. My world will go on and so will yours. But no matter, I think we all share the common thread of planning to have a Frickin FAB-U-LOUS time!!
Viva Las Vegas!! And have a great Friday everyone!!
As told by moi 11:12 PM
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Don't ask me.....
I swear you guys, I'm looking at the pictures right now!! I don't get it, I just don't get it...They are there, they are right there. Let me see what I can do 
As told by moi 9:27 PM
Well - It seems to have worked!!
Testing the image hosting site I have and it looks like it worked - Yippee!!
1st pic : The one and only "Booge"!! taken at his hockey festival. Picked to compete in the skills tests. Only 5 of the 12 on his team got to, so needless to say we were quite proud!!
2nd Pic :Me and the kidlets - Meems and the Booge at, what else.... the hockey game!! I love this sweatshirt, I got it for xmas and it says "Hockey Mom". Yes, not yet 12 and the girl-child has passed mom in the height dept! And the warm-ups the boy-child is wearing - the only thing we've seen him for MONTHS!
And since this seems to have worked - There may be more! You poor things!! 
As told by moi 6:34 PM
It must be fate....
Well I had this nasty "spynet" thing attach itself to my homepage for work and couldn't shake it loose. A call to tech support was needed.
My first call, routed to Pakistan, was unsuccessful, next up Seattle. Tony in Seattle says he'll go in there and see what's up and try and delete some stuff, "I'm not going to lose my screensaver am I?" asks moi. "What's your screensaver?" asks Tony....I pause....."Def Leppard"....Silence...."um, ok (with THAT tone)!! So the talk goes back and forth between DL and Hockey and comments are made about camaros.., yada, yada, yada... He really was a nice guy though. And in the end - nothing! It's still there.... Next!
So a call comes in and it's tech support, Dave this time, who is going to take a look. Dave thinks he's going to have to recreate my profile, which means I'll lose all my saved favorites. As Dave is telling me this, he has taken remote access of my computer and is looking around.... The first thing he says is "Um, your going to lose the Def Leppard screensaver" "Oh no, don't you start, I have already had this conversation with Tony!" If you start in on the hockey too, I'm going to get really peeved!" Dave doesn't joke, Dave says "Hey, I play hockey and I have season tickets" Oh, to the T-birds", I ask (thinking Dave is in Seattle). Oh no - Dave says "No, the Colorado Avalanche." I look on the caller ID and sure enough, Dave is calling from Denver (I'd know that area code anywhere..) OMG!!
My new best friend in the whole wide world, Dave, gets the problem solved and as a public service, I let him know that Def Leppard are still around and in fact were in Colorado twice last year, Dave..... I thank him, he assures me he will see about going to see Def Leppard when they come through Colorado again ("cuz I liked Def Leppard back in Jr High." Yep, so did everybody else, Dave) And all is right in the world - that is after I make a call to Tony, in Seattle, letting him know that the problem was fixed: BY A HOCKEY PLAYING, SEASON TICKET HOLDING COLORADO AV'S FAN WHO AT LEAST ADMITTED HE LIKE DEF LEPPARD!! HA! So there!!
Have a good day all!!
As told by moi 11:20 AM
Monday, April 05, 2004
It's Monday.....
Well it's Monday, and this Monday comes with a head cold and a wee bit of a lingering hangover (I blame daylight savings time - if I had that extra hour...)
Spent too much time this weekend messing around on the computer and didn't seem to get much accomplished. To many starts and not enough completions. Did finally get some new smilies for the Diva Domain. (Jules, the chainsaw was just for YOU!) Only lost the code twice before I was able to get it straight. After second time I lost it, I packed it in and headed down the road to see my favorite local band MONOTONE PICTURES play Toby Magees! A lot if us showed up and as always a good time was had by all. Hence, the hangover.
And I really need to spend more time paying attention to what's on the calendar these days and not in the future. Didn't remember daylight savings time until I saw it on the news and totally forgot the kids were off for springbreak this week. I mean I totally forgot!! Kent happen to make a comment about the kids going to his hockey game 'cuz they could sleep in the next day, uh?? THEN, I looked at the calendar and realized what he was talking about...GEEZ, gotta stop thinking ahead to May and focus a little more on the present I guess....
(Although, there ARE only 36 more days until Vegas.....)
And a note from the news: Did you know that Davenport IA and Cedar Rapids IA are listed in the top 10 binge drinking cities in the US??? Jules and Steph, you LUCKY DOGS!! LOL!
Have a good MONDAY and come visit us at the The Diva
Domain !!
As told by moi 8:26 AM
Friday, April 02, 2004
A New Beginning ????
If you go to my "Links" section and click on The Diva Domain ~ it will take you somewhere a little different then it did before.
I guess in fit of Irish temper over comments posted else where.... *Clears throught and takes a deep breath and exhales*I started a message forum!! I just wanted something like what we use to have, (without the "Ego") a place to pop in and, and I don't know, just do what we use to do.
Jules, I'm sorry for taking the same name and starting something different then the Yahoo spot. It was just so hard to post sometimes and there seemed to be this delay that didn't get us in that momentum we use to have... I hope your not mad..... So get over there and register so I can try and add you has admin so you can mess around with the layout. ( See I'm the "Ideaman", Jules is the "Creative one" )
Anyway, I hope everybody comes over and plays and lets see how it works out I guess....
As told by moi 12:24 AM
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Have ya not looked at the calendar??
Now living up here in Seattle, I know there are a lot of people that can't seem to function in the mornings without hitting the Espresso stand on their way to work ...But come on people!! My point: I turn on the radio in the car this morning and hear a new set of morning people chatting it up and making the announcement that the old crew had been fired. I am laughing my ass off listening to the outraged callers going off about this all the way to work. CHECK THE CALENDAR PEOPLE!! This is the oldest gag in radio and you're still falling for it!! Pardon the pun - "Wake up and smell the coffee!"
On another note, it was mentioned on another station ( I had to change the dial, when NOBODY was getting a clue ) that Saturday will mark the 6 month anniversary of Roy getting attacked by the lion in Vegas. Why is that significant? It also marks the 6 month anniversary of spending one of the best days of my life, waiting in line for a certain Def Leppard concert. I really have never had a better time having my butt go completely numb. To all you guys that were there in the trenches with me - Love and miss you! "And there will be a next time!"
And speaking of driving in to work.... It was a much more pleasant experience this morning compared to yesterday. $343.00 later, I have new front brakes!!
Ouch on the checkbook, but it would be just my luck the stupid things go out and I hit a tree, end up in emergency wearing my rattiest undies and living up to the dire prediction we've all been told by our mothers....
Have a great day everyone! 
As told by moi 9:31 AM
Le Diva Blogs
Guilt by Association Blogs
Weather in Seattle
Just a few little items...


Find me wherever the Av's or DL are....LOVE MY JOES!
It's a "Viv Thing" Don't ask me why.....
Look who came to visit Moi....
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006