Thursday, September 30, 2004
Hello, Hello... Is Anybody Out There.....
Yepper Doodles there is!! It's fellow Vegas Diva, Tammy and that's the name of her new blog! So you have been "linked", my dear!! Welcome!
As told by moi 11:44 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble.....
So, our favorite active volcano has started to get a little uppity and they've recorded thousands of tremors. All pointing to the possibility of built up gas and that Mt St Helens may erupt and let off a little steam. Pissy Diva ain't she?!?!
Now they say this could happen in the next couple weeks.... My, wouldn't that be breathtaking to see from the air?!?!
Oh Jules...... Hehe
As told by moi 2:36 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
Hi Everyone!
Been awhile and I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. It's that time of the year when things are a little crazy. Not only does school start in September, but so does Em's dance and Glenn's hockey.
Em's taking one more class this year so she up to 4 a week. Glenn has had 2 weekends straight of hockey evaluation, tryouts and then drafts. And FINALLY we at least know what team he's on. They formed a 5th team this year and asked Kent if he wanted to coach it. He said no, so instead they put Glenn on the new team with the new coach. Since Kent's asst coaches whatever team Glenn is on and the new guy doesn't know what he's doing yet, guess who ran practice... Of course, I got in one good "I told you so". lol!
So my week is shaping up to look like this: Em has dance Monday, 2x's on Tuesday and Weds. And she has piano lesson on Weds also. Thursday Kent has hockey. Glenn looks to have hockey Monday, Friday and a game on Saturday. So that pretty much takes care of the week! And since I don't get home from dance until 8:30 - 9:30 depending on the day and then turn around a get up at 4:30am, I'm pretty useless by the time I do get home. But, this is how it is every year, and things get settled into a routine and we all roll along eventually!
But right now I'm still adjusting, so popping in here will be sporadic for a while. I'll try and keep up with y'all and say Hi when I can. So..........
Oh! BTW, picked this up on Kim's site....
You're Brigitte Bardot!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by
As told by moi 8:15 AM
Friday, September 17, 2004
Let's just look at the pretty pictures, shall we......
Too busy to come up with something on my own. So I just jumped around taking quizzes. Thanks to all of you that had these on your blogs. I'd name you all but I was jumping around so much I got confused....I confuse easily, ya know. lol!
As the saying goes; "How ya like me now?!" *WINK*
Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!
Don't go chasing Waterfalls.....
You a waterfall fairy. You live near the water to
keep your soul moist. At times you can be vain.
Sometimes you love the social life. Other times
you rather just bath in the waterfalls. Your
human size and you like to lure young men/women
to you.
What Type of Fairy are You
brought to you by
As told by moi 11:15 AM
In my element.......
You're Element is Fire. You have a strong,
independant, fiery personality and you
obviously don't ley other's push you around.
You like being in charge and don't care what
other people think. In fact, you like to stand
out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
people first meet you but your a ball of energy
that could explode at any given moment. You
like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
you like to fight. You're peronality that is
wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically
fit and a little sexy and you have a very
pretty face.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla
As told by moi 10:17 AM
Chicken Soup *Oops!* I mean Anime Pictures for the soul...........
You have a free soul! As all the souls go, yours is
the most free-spirited and adventurous. You
like camping, hiking, or interaction with other
people. Your a social butterfly, but not
because of your style, but because of your
willingness to communicate with everyone. You
probably have close friends who can rely on you
because you always seem to know whats going on
in the world. You love music and are
free-spirited and someone fun to be around. A
born leader and great explorer-dont ever
change-the world needs more people like you.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by
As told by moi 9:15 AM
I'm your Angel......
You're a "Green Angel". You're one person
who is extremely protective of people around
you (especially your friends) and you'd end up
as a gaudian angel. You're stronger than most
and aren't ashamed to show it. People know how
tough you are and don't dare to mess with you
when you get mad. You're real close with your
friends and couldn't live wihout them so even
in heaven, you want to help them. You know
they'd want you as a gaudian angel and you'd
love to be able to ensure safety of your
friends for yourself because you're on of those
"If you want something done right, do it
yourself" kind of person.
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by
As told by moi 8:17 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Do me a favor....
By know most of you know of my family's hockey obsession. Well the hubby popped on the Family Blog, and went on a wee bit of a rant. Very rare for Kently. He's the quiet one.... Ying and Yang, ya know. lol! Will you guys do me a favor and just pop over there and leave a comment so he thinks somebody's listening.
Thanks ever so!!!
In a world of Football,Basketball and Baseball it's very lonely for the Hockey obsessed.
As told by moi 3:05 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
First of all......
Yes Ladies, you are all 40 and FAB-U-LOUS!! Don't let my rant about him *grrr* be confused with all you.....You are all MAAAAVELOUS!!
Phew! Just writing that has wore me out. Too much going on around here, and when I have time I may share. I know, you can't wait!! lol! So I'll leave you with this little tidbit.
**You know you're living in 2004 when**
1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have their e-mail addresses.
6. You go home after a long day at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.
7. You make phone calls from home, you accidentally dial "9" to get an outside line.
8. You've sat at the same desk for four years and worked for three different companies.
10. You learn about your redundancy on the 11 o'clock news.
11. Your boss doesn't have the ability to do your job.
12. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.
13. Every commercial on television has a website at the bottom of the screen.
14. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
15. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
16. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :)
17. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
18. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
19. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
20. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.
AND NOW U R LAUGHING at yourself.
As told by moi 8:46 PM
Friday, September 10, 2004
So he up and did it! Well this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to!!
So while all over the forums and blogs there are happy words of congrats and best wishes, this is my blog and I'm taking the other route.....I'M BUMMED!! There! Somebody said it.....
This is a part of my life that is the fantasy, the part that is my happy place. The fantasy that thought that while Joe was still single, I would still have a shot at him. (The fact I'm happily married of course does not factor in to the fantasy. Nor anything else related to my looks or what not... lol) And before you read this and think "Uh oh, psycho fan" hold that thought and let me finish. This ramble has been kicking around in my head for awhile. All the way back to the fever a while back about the "Obsessed Def Leppard Fan".
Is it obsession? Yes, to a point it is and I'll gladly admit it. I mean, think about. I have liked a lot of bands over the years. Do I have pictures of those bands up in my cubie? No. Do I pop into their sites and forums? No. Do I go to multiple concerts and follow them around? No. Do I defend other bands and stand up for liking them? No. Do I hook up with other fans and discuss (at times every subtle nuance) of the band? No. Do I go on Ebay and buy memorabilia and DVD's and bootlegs? No. But I, and many like me do that with this band. Why? No hits in a long while, pretty non-existent media coverage, no radio play, especially in major markets (usually just "flashback/80's" segments), and so on..... We (and I do mean we) have just connected to this band and that connection is a part of my life but not my life. However, there is that 1% of me that lives it and loves it.
Look, 99% of my life is the reality of LIFE. The marriage, the health scares, the kids, the job, school, the mortgages, the rest of the bills, the dance lessons, the hockey practices, the rest of my psycho family and so on.... That 1% is mine! That little part that let's me step away for a little while so I can deal with all the rest. And I relish it. I admit it. I'd rather go to my "Happy Place" with a band or band member then take too many shots of alcohol, pop a pill or stick something in my veins. And I have this band to thank for allowing me to find a group of some of the greatest people in the world, that I would never have had the opportunity to meet if it hadn't been for this "obsession". People I now consider friends. No matter how sappy it may sound, for that reason alone this band will always hold a special place in my heart. For being responsible for bringing such an interesting group of people in to my life.
Yeah, Yeah... The 99% of me that lives in the real world is happy IF people in the real world find someone that makes them happy and want to spend the rest(?) of their lives together. But that 1% is bummed that Joe has the audacity to do this to me and mess up my fantasy!! He messed with my happy place and I'm not in the mood for gushy false prose of happiness!
And I know I'm not the only one. I'll admit it, that yes I have a "healthy"obsession and I know others of you out there are secretly bummed too. There wouldn't be all those "I LOVE JOE" sites out there if I was the only one thinking about JTE. That's the fantasy talking and it's the part ranting and raving right now. And I don't care! Thank you sooo much Mr Elliott for throwing me into 100% reality mode and screwing up my 1%!!
Yepper Doodles!! I'm a Wife and Mother of two, married 18 years with a crush on a middle aged, middle of the road looking "rockstar(?)" And I'm acting like a 14 year old girl that just found out Justin married Cameron! Oh well! It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to.....
Oh, have no fear! I will adjust. I will still go to the concerts, I will still be standing there licking my chops. But.... I might be letting my gaze wander around the stage a little more.... That's the great thing about fantasy - they can always change! *strolls off singin'* " Yo Oh! Yo Oh! A pirate's life for me..... *Wink*
As told by moi 12:16 PM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
I swear, I wasn't going to do it!
Another school year has started. THANK YOU!!! So I went in late to work (like everyone else) and did the first day of school thang. (VERY big in this 'burb let me tell ya!).
Now at home, behind closed doors, the kidlets are thrilled mom does the "mom thing". However, once outside things change. For Meems first day it went like this.."You're not going to get out and come in with me are you?!?!" - "No, I'm just going to drive you, there by saving your precious feet the injustice of actually walking. I then plan on pulling up to the curb and slowing down just enough to roll you out of the back and then hitting the gas to get out of there before anyone makes the connection that we are actually related....Sound good?" ......... "Ok" *eye roll*
Now my little Boodge is another story.... He is still in the "wants mom to come to school phase". Well, sort of. At some point this morning he realized he was in 3rd grade! Now the grade school is K-5, so 3rd grade is the cutoff point. You're not in the lower half anymore, you're in the top half. (Ok, the lower half of the top half, but you get the point!) So phase 2 of first day of school went like this.. "Um so, you going walk to school with me?" - "Yeah, I thought I might, I have to walk over to Dede's anyways" - "Oh, well Ok" - we get to school..." So um, ya wanna see my room?" - "Yeah, I didn't get to go to the open house last night, so maybe I'll just walk by, so I know where it is" - "Um, Ok" - we get to class and there's no one else there except his teacher... And so it was ok to show mom everything!! "This is where I sit, this is my mailbox, this is the job board, this is where Stuart sits" ....And so on. One more year of seeing that excitement on that cute little face! And then he did it...gave me a kiss and a hug....*sniff, sniff*
So for one more year at least, I walked back home with that lump in my throat.....I swore I wouldn't do it, but I cried.
As told by moi 9:21 AM
Friday, September 03, 2004
I made it!!
It's Friday, no more injuries incurred at my house - Yippee! I'm off to Crescent Bar Saturday morning!! YIPEE FRICKIN' SKIPEE!!
Ahhhhh.... 2 days of BBQ's, beach, and sippin' tasty beverages!!
Everyone have a GREAT weekend!!!
As told by moi 11:47 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Line one or line two.....Line one or line two......
So today I had to see the Eye Doctor (I'm not even going to attempt to say Opthomalogist(?)) A few observations (oops! pardon the pun...hehe)
** Do you ever try and cheat on your eye test?!?! I do! Like being able to
read the smallest line is going to get me some pat on the head and a gold
star in my file! I mean the point is to see how bad your eye sight is so you
can get whatever you need to see, and yet I try and cheat everytime!
*sigh* Sad really, it's a wonder I can see at all....
** How ironic is it that when you go to the eye doctor, they dilate your
eyes, and then you can't see for the rest of the day.....
** With dilated eyes, Karrie looks creepy (or so I've been told) and
people stay away, Hmmmmm...... Personally, I think I look like one of
those big sad eyes kiddie pictures, and think I should perfect (like I need
to) my pout and see what I can get out of people. Maybe the creepy
factor could help there too! Hmmmm.....
** They are doing a little remodeling at the clinic. I don't think it's such a
good idea to use the nail gun so close to the cardiac care section. I
nearly had a heart attack myself when they used that nail gun when I
walked by. Hope they have the "crash carts" ready!!
Ok that all for now! Honestly, I'm amazed I could type that much through the blur!
As told by moi 10:09 AM
Le Diva Blogs
Guilt by Association Blogs
Weather in Seattle
Just a few little items...


Find me wherever the Av's or DL are....LOVE MY JOES!
It's a "Viv Thing" Don't ask me why.....
Look who came to visit Moi....
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006