Monday, November 29, 2004
A Busy weekend is turning into a busy week....
Well! Where to start, where to start..... I guess maybe we'll start with Wednesday. Made it to the T-Birds game just in the nick of time. Seems not everybody had gotten out of town yet and there was still a lot of traffic heading into town. Ugh!! But, I was in my seat before the start of the game and beat the rest of them, so of course I was feeling awfully smug! And it would seem the regular people they get to sing the national anthems had left town too. The girl they got to sing the Canadian anthem forgot the words! Everybody figured out pretty quick it was only going to get worse when she started fumbling with a piece of paper in her hand, she was totally lost. So we all picked up the torch and finished for her! It was actually pretty cool to hear the crowd singing it and trying to make up for the goof. The players from Calgary seemed impressed too, they kept looking up at the crowd. Now if we could have done something about the announcer calling them the Calgary Flames everytime they scored, it would have turned out to be a better night. Oh, and we lost too, so we had to hear "The Flames" more then we wanted too!
Thanksgiving morning was pretty quite around our house. Since we didn't have to be at the in-laws until 2:00 pm, we had a nice relaxing start to the day...... And then the kids started to get ready. Why is it that no matter how many times you ask, or try a prepare for the worst, kids can manage to find someway to throw a kink in things?! Well this year it was the boy. He thought he might want to grow his hair out and wear it longer. Boy-child has Mom's hair, naturally curling and it's not easy to do. So there was a big blow-up about the way he was trying to comb it. Now normally I don't care.... hell, he wears a hat most of the time anyways. But he wasn't going to be wearing a hat today and the way he was flattening it down quite frankly looked stupid!! Which after awhile is exactly what I told him and marched off to get myself ready. Thankfully, hubby agreed and managed to get the boy back in the bathroom for a little Mom and me time! The little demon of course admits later that I did it better, well Duh!!
Friday finds me back at work. I never take off the day after T-day. I save it for Xmas, since Hubby and the kids all have the week off. And really, it's a good thing. I'm not good at handling the "After Thanksgiving" sales. My temper just doesn't handle it, and like I commented on Kim's blog - It wouldn't be Christmas Cheer I'd be beating people up side the head with!! Better to stay indoors and play quietly by myself! And it was practically like that, since 3/4 of the staff took the day off! Oh and towards the end of the day I get a call from the boy-child.....Guess who got a haircut?!!! Now why this couldn't happen the day BEFORE Thanksgiving I don't know. I mean Hubby got off work @ 10:00 am on Weds and the kids were out @ 12:00..... Oh that's right, then there wouldn't have been anything to torment me with!! (Has the Hubby sarcastically quipped when I posed the question to him!) Grrrrr!
Saturday...Saturday was a nice family day I must say. We had another T-Birds game, so we thought we would head out early and go down to the Pike Place Market with the kidlets. They've got the stand that sells bath salts that I've looked at the last couple of times I've been down. The kids each filled a bottle up for their 2 older cousins and had a blast making different designs with the different colored salts. I have no idea what they actually will smell like, but they sure are pretty! LOL. Hubby found a record store, so while he and Boodge drooled over the oldies-but goodies, Meems and I head over to look at the "Bad Kitty" posters (RIOT!!) and pick up the traditional "Scones and Jellies" gift package that we send the Sis-in-law and family each year. They in turn send us OUR annual "Harry and David" fruit basket, quite lovely! And so with that eventful trip, the Sis-in-Law's family Xmas shopping is complete! Yippee!! And off we go to the Seattle Center. We had time to kill, so we decided to take a ride up the Space Needle and see the city and the Christmas lights from waaaaaay up! Very Pretty!!! Never saw all the lights from that angle! Put you in the mood for the Holidays, it did!! Hehe (or should that be - HoHo!)
A quick bite to eat @ the Center house, where we of course ran into many, many fellow T-Birds fans and off we go to the game! Blah, Blah, Blah about the game....We won, happy,happy, joy joy!!
Sunday had us still feeling the effects of the Christmas spirit we caught while in Seattle, so we decided to do the tree and decorate the house a bit. Well, the kids and Dad "do the tree" (with mandatory xmas music, Hubby is such an old softie!) As I told the Boodge, "You do the tree and then when your asleep, I'll "redo" the tree and we'll all be happy!" I just even things out a bit, that's all.....*wink* Then a big bowl of popcorn, snuggled in the blankies (it was cold this weekend!, Brrrrr) and a double feature of Santa Clause 1 and 2, and the weekend is complete!
Today it's back to work and since it's the end of the month, it's been insane! So I will bid you adieu! Bon Soir, my lovelies!!
As told by moi 10:11 AM
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Bit of This and That.....
Last post before T-Day. Having dinner at "the club" with my in-laws. (Did I sound snobby enough?! LOL) I'm not a big fan of Thanksgiving (some bad memories) and my mother-in-law has been under the weather lately, so it will actually be nice to just relax and all of us just enjoy being together and not have to fuss with making a big dinner. Of course Hubby's a bit bummed about not having any left over turkey, but honestly I don't know when he's going to be around to eat it....
Because we are back in full swing this weekend! Kent casually asked me last night if I'm going to meet them or drive down myself on Wednesday? - Huh?! Then I get the eye roll (That was a mistake! I'm the eye roller in this family, bucko!! Hehe) Well it seems I'm going to a T-Birds Hockey game on Weds night in Seattle. - Hey Patty, it the Calgary Hitmen.... - And then of course Glenn's game on Saturday or Sunday, I'm not sure which... And then another T-Birds game on Saturday night... And whatever else comes up.
This might be a rough weekend for the Girl-child. The T-Birds traded her favorite goalie and she's been in the dumps. He really was a nice guy and was always very nice to her whenever they met up. But, she's stuck on the two other goalies as well, so I think she'll get over it. LOL.
And speaking of Meems, she has a new plan for catching the attention of the hockey guys at school (Anyone remember the sweatshirt incident....) She stole the laces out of brother's old skates and has them on her Vans. Big deal you say, well hockey laces are special, they have a different look and they have a special wax on the to help tighten them up. And sure enough, she's already caught the attention of two players that have asked if "those were "Waxes". I give her credit for the ingenuity, but Dang! That girl scares me sometimes!! Oh, and she has duck feet! That's what she wailed last night when she was trying on her clothes for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately she right. She's like a puppy, big feet that she *shudder* will grow into. So knowing that's a hard stage, before her dance class last night we ran by Payless shoes.....She found something and Yippee so did I. Fab-u-lous "faux" sweade brown knee length boots that will look Tres Chic with my Thanksgiving day outfit!!
And with that I think I'm done 'till after the holiday weekend. Everyone have a GREAT Turkey Day!! Patty and Janis, I hope you guys have lots of fun!!
And come over to the Diva Domain I'm lonely over there!! Come talk to me!
As told by moi 9:14 AM
Monday, November 22, 2004
Or, I guess what I should say is I DIDN'T do it - much of anything this weekend, that is!! One boy-child hockey game and that was it!!
I did swing by a friend from work's house and pick up a bookcase for my room and a student desk for the Boodge's room. That did lead to a rampant bit of cleaning on the boy-childs part, because I wouldn't let him have his new desk until a whole lot of crap got taken out of his room. Guess what?! He actually has a floor in there! I've seen it again for the first time in a LONG time! *tear* And there was a little bit of spiffing up done by the Hubby too! See the bookcase I got was for all his crap that has found it's way to my bookcase. Now it's all segregated, the way it should be! Hehe.....
And that's it, nothing else happened....*yawn*
Have a good one!
As told by moi 8:59 AM
Friday, November 19, 2004
A "Bubble Bath" Kind of Day....
I'm calling them that now in honor of Rhonda Elizabeth, Hehe. Today at work was one of those "Bubble Bath" kind of days. Have you ever had one of those days at work where you're caught up, working ahead of deadlines and you can R*E*L*A*X. Everyone is was joking around and things are just very casual. Not very often, I'm sure, I know they're rare around here! LOL! But today was like that. The company had even picked today to buy us all lunch! It was one of those days where you had lunch at your desk and kept on working and didn't miss not taking your lunch hour, 'cuz the whole day felt like you were at lunch. It was a nice way to roll into the weekend....
And speaking of weekends, everyone have a good one!!
As told by moi 1:46 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Where do you request a one day extention to your week?
*Sigh* Here we go again. To start off, can I just say how VERY proud I am of my favorite little guy, Glenn! And so....
Wednesday, "hump day", on the down slide towards the weekend, we've made it through the tough part of the week - 4 dance practices, 2 hockey practices and a piano lesson. And so Wednesday night @ 9:30 I'm attacked at the door by a VERY, VERY excited newly 9 year old. "Guess what, Guess what!" sez he........ "I just got an e-mail saying I've been selected for the squirt All-Star team!!!!" "Hey, that's GREAT!!" sez I, the very proud Mom. And behind him is his equally proud Dad, who, with a slightly pained expression, holds out a piece of paper - "See schedule attached..."
*Sigh* The hump just got a little bigger....
As told by moi 9:06 AM
Monday, November 15, 2004
What weekend?!
There were suppose to be 2 days off there somewhere, right? Not for us..... Friday Glenn instigated a "family fun" night. And since we were celebrating Dad's "come back" it seemed like a good idea. Of course the kids picked video games and a movie. And the video games they picked were the racing games, which I suck at. Which is ironic if you know how I drive, some of you may know what I mean *wink*! So for the most part, I sat there watching the 3 of them. I did get plenty of pats on the head from the Boodge and "It's Ok, Mom". Sure, he wasn't the only one this time getting his butt kicked by Sis and Dad! He could afford to be magnanimous!
By the time the movie portion of the night came, we had pretty much lost Dad. Kently played a 10:45 pm hockey game Thursday night. This means the poor boy gets home @ 1:30 am and turns around and gets up @ 4:00 am for work. The only thing keeping him going on Friday was news of his job. So we pretty much lost him by 8:30 Friday night, lol! So the 3 of us watched Harry Potter for the umpteenth time. Girl-child has a HUGE crush on Malvoy. (Dad's response to this is a bewildered look and the comment "But, he's not a goalie?!)
Saturday it was up early to get the nails done. An indulgence on my part, yes, but they REALLY needed to be done. Then off to run some much needed errands before heading to an early dinner at Kent's parents for a belated B-day party for Glenn. Then off to Key Arena for the T-Birds hockey game. Home and into bed, because on Sunday.....
It's up @ 4:30 am to get ready and head to Seattle to catch the ferry to Bremerton for Boodge's hockey game. That was pretty much an all day event. We figured it out, and for a 1 hour game, it took us 8 hours of travel time. Dang! Home in time for Dad to get a quick nap while I made dinner and off the 3 of them went to yet another hockey game. I say 3 of them because Mom crawled in to bed around 7:oo with a bottle of Nyquil and tried to sleep off this head cold I've got.
So it's Monday again, I feel like crap and need to get ready for a conference call. Hope you all have a good Monday.
And Thanks!! from the Hubby for all the congrats! He's still on cloud 9.
As told by moi 9:52 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
Karrie's doing the "Happy Dance" !!
In the hubby's honor!! After 3 very LONG years, hubby got the word that he's been recalled back to the job he loved.
Little background: 3 years ago, I made the switch to the my new position here @ the bank, after 1 day of happiness over this new exciting phase I was about to enter (and the upcoming trip to Vegas to see the first show of the new DL tour, lol), I received a call from the hubby, very upset - he had just received his layoff notice! After a month of sheer panic, he was able to secure a new job @ the company in the old position he once had (and hated). But being the responsible family man that he is, he took that job and the shit that went along with it. So I am so very happy that his hard work and dedication has paid off and now it's his turn to get back to what he wants to do!! Poor thing has been going nuts for weeks, his buddy over in that dept has known for weeks, hubby's name keeps getting brought up in meetings, they've been working on getting him on the schedule, classes and they've even assigned him a desk! But no one had actually said anything to Kent! But yesterday he went over to see his friend, and they told him the offer had just been made official and the e-mail would be on it way!! And they are bringing back a lot of "the old crew" which he's really excited about too.
He has really put up with a lot these last 3 years, putting his feelings aside for what was good for his family. I really do love that man!! MWAH!!
Oh man.... Look at me get all gushy!! Can't help it though....
Have a SUPER GREAT Weekend Everyone!
As told by moi 9:19 AM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Random thoughts.....
** Grrrrr! For the last 3 days our computers have been screwed up in the morning. It takes a couple hours to get them unkinked and running. What a waste!
** Why is it that I run around, bustin' my ass in the morning trying to get things done around the house since I will be runnin' around after work bustin' my ass to get kidlets to and from their things and they have the audacity to look at me like I've lost my mind when I ask them to turn off The Fairly Odd Parents and dust and vacuum! Well, after Mom, rather forcibly, posed this question this morning....I don't think it will happen again!
** They called an impromptu meeting this morning to announce our fearless leader has taken another position in the Company... nice for him, but we'll miss him. He was a great guy to work for. But, his replacement is "in house" and well liked, we'll see...
** I'm not so happy with the haircut..... Ann cut it too short and now that the weather has more moisture, it's curling up like crazy. Oh well, in her defense, she is trying to get the crap cut off that was so damage.
** Tomorrow is Veterans Day and a day off. Except Meems performance dance troupe scheduled a practice, since school was out for everyone, isn't that SUPER! The boy-child is excited, cuz he thinks that means he's getting a slushy. He let me know that's what Dad does when they have to wait for Meems, he gets a slushy.... I'm sorry, do I like like a 6'3", mid-aged, white male, with glasses and a receding hair line?! We'll see.....
Computer's up for now..... better get some work done!
As told by moi 9:19 AM
Monday, November 08, 2004
Chicken Shit....
Yep, that's what the hubby called me! But, more on that later....
Well, boy-child got his guitar amp. I got a call on Friday and in the background I could hear it. Hubby sez, "Guess what?! Dude got his first Marshall!" Awwww, baby's first Marshall - next he'll be working on his first Marshall stack!! Ok, storytime ~ Boodge is playing away and he's playing this bass beat that sounds familiar...and it comes to me, it sounds like the opening to the live version of Hysteria! So I pop in the DVD and sure enough there it is. The rest of Friday night is spent in front of the TV doing the entire "In your face, in the round" concert as the sixth member of Def Leppard! Boy-child and mom loved every minute of it!
Saturday found me at the post office begging them to let me pick up the package we had been waiting for for the Boodge's B-day. Seems the post office closes at 12:00 and I was there @ 12:08. But, they were helping someone at the time and the door wasn't locked and I didn't know until I had gotten in line and blah, blah, blah....I got the lecture, which I was fine with because I know I hated it when I worked in the bank branch and people came in late and I got my package. Glenn was thrilled and wore the jersey and hat the rest of the weekend.
Sunday had us up early for a 7:00am hockey game. Whatever happen to sleeping in?! And then a little sprucing things up for the wave of party boys...I still don't know why we bothered, I mean they're 9 year old boys, the place was trashed within 5 minutes anyways!! And this is where I bowed out. When I saw the first wave tumble out of the truck looking like clones in their matching SJHA warm-ups, I got my first twitch. I stayed outside vacuuming out my car. But then I heard it....the sound of hockey pucks hitting the inside of the garage door, more twitching. Then came the next wave, the neighborhood boys, thats when the amps were cranked and the guitar "solos (?!)" started keeping the beat with the pucks hitting the door. At this point, I called up Dede, asked what she was up to and let her know she was about to get company!
And that is when my hubby let go with his parting shot...."chicken shit" he whispered..."I heard that!" says I....and kept right on walking!!
A great time was had by all, BTW. The guys + Em had a blast, and I came home to a peaceful house, a hot bubble bath and a good book. A perfect way to finish up the weekend!
As told by moi 8:56 AM
Friday, November 05, 2004
Happy Friday!!
Well we made it to the end of the week, Yippeee!! Of course the weekend is jam packed with things, so there is still no rest for the wicked. The boy-child is gathering up his posse and we're doing pizza and a hockey game for his birthday. And he has managed to get enough birthday money to put him over the top for the guitar amp he's been saving up for..... great! *rolls eyes*
I've been adjusting to a bit of change in the morning routine. Worked it out at work so that I'm coming in a 1/2 hour later. What a difference that 1/2 hour makes! Dede and I worked it out so that I take the older kids to middle school on my way to work and drop Boodge off at her house and he walks over to the elementary school with her son and one of Glenn's best bud's and "band mates". And the bonus for me, not paying $170 a month to have someone "watch" the Boodge for an hour and a half in the morning! OMG! Have they been driving Dede crazy this week though! Glenns been bringing over the "Rat"- ogaster" (Hubbys old stratogaster guitar, with a cartoon rat etched in it) and they've been blowing the roof off the house all week! Hehe.....
Been having fun @ The Diva Domain too. (Still hoping Miss Jules doesn't mind...) Finding all sorts of things to tweak it and it's been fun to play with it. I have an idea I want to try, so if you guys have some good pics of "The Band" or more specifically, the members of the band, keep them in mind. I might be asking for your assistance....
Have a GREAT Weekend everyone!
As told by moi 9:04 AM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
This and that....
The elections are over, and no matter the outcome I feel my vote counted. I believe if anything the votes cast and the neck and neck closeness in the numbers shows that this nation is still very divided. That's unfortunate, and I hope that this being the case two elections in a row, that the powers that be would recognize the situation and strive to improve this division......
La, La, La...Oh look at the pigs fly! Oh well, enough on that.
I had mentioned in a comment about Boodge's birthday that the presents are "on the way, I think". This is because we are waiting for a package to arrive with a hockey jersey and hat for Rimouski Oceanic (Huh?!) This is the team that one, Sidney Crosby plays for and he his my son's inspiration. When Glenn was going thru squirt rep tryouts his mantra was "Just like Sidney." So for his birthday, Kent wanted to get him a Crosby jersey and hat. And so it was that one Sunday morning I spy hubby at the computer, clicking, stopping, writing something down, point, click, type, click, write something down, etc.... When I asked what he was doing he said that he had gone on the web site for the Rimouski Oceanic to order Glenns' jersey, but it was all in French. But, he found a French/English dictionary online and he thought he'd managed to get thru the order page! Ooookay.... I know a little French and would have help, but he really was so damn proud of himself, I let him have his moment. Still haven't seen that package though....
If you don't see me here, pop over to the Diva Domain. It's been looking a little lonely and I've been over there playing around with it. (Jules, I hope you don't mind). So if you're interested, I be over there talking to myself! LOL.
Have a good one!
As told by moi 9:32 AM
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Happy Birthday to my "little" Guy!!
Happy Birthday to our one and only Boodgeman!!
MWAH!!! Love Ya, Dude!!
As told by moi 2:29 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
Jooolz goes to a party!!
Jooolz wanted to go to Dede's Halloween party.... but Jooolz wanted to goes as Jose Cuervo. But alas, Jose has been banned for the party. Jose does stupid things to people and it is very hard to look at some of the these people at the next kids party, sports event or PTA meeting after they have been partying with Jose. But Karrie wasn't going to let that stop her! So Jooolz went as Jose, but we snuck her in wearing a pretty party dress and hat. And her hair had such pretty curls!!! Enjoy Jooolz party pics!
As told by moi 6:56 PM
Le Diva Blogs
Guilt by Association Blogs
Weather in Seattle
Just a few little items...


Find me wherever the Av's or DL are....LOVE MY JOES!
It's a "Viv Thing" Don't ask me why.....
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