Karrie's Box of Thoughts

Monday, December 27, 2004
Bond, James Bond.....

Hi everybody! Hope you all had a relaxing and joyful Christmas! We are into our annual, Christmas to New Years, James Bond marathon and we're up to Thunderball. Not one of my favorites (too many "underwater scenes that drag on *yawn*) So of course since it's not my favorite, it's the Hubby's!! And I must suffer through. So I thought I would sneak away and say Hi!

I did need to jump on and see if the swap was successful for Meems' new flip phone. It is possibly to still make a moody 12 year old girl smile!!! LOL! Swap was a success, and so she's curled on the couch watching the movie and punching in all her friends numbers!! Boodge is curled up next to her, kind of under the weather. He's has the sniffles and doesn't feel so hot. He had all-star practice the day after xmas, Joy!, and has another practice tonight....We'll see.

I'm just piddling around the house this week, not great plans, just relaxing and try a re-energize. It will all start up again next Monday, so I'm taking advantage! I stopped at the grocery store last Thursday and spent WAAAAY too much money on tons of junk food for this week, I managed to leave there without purchasing anything with any nutritional value - YIPEEE!! I have been rolling out of bed - very late in the morning - and working out. I had to compensate, I do have to fit in my pants come next Monday after all!!

Talk to ya later, when there's another drag in the marathon! Have a good week!

As told by moiLips 21:12 PM ...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy Holidays!.......And how to make soup.

The last call from home...

"Hi Mom!"

"Hi Boodge..."

"I'm making lunch, how do I make Double Noodle soup?!"



"Do you have the can?"


"Are you holding it in your hand right now..."


"See where it says DIRECTIONS?!"


"Weeeeellll......what does it say?!"

* A full minute later, I swear it took a minute!*

*OH! Add 1 can of water to 1 can of soup!"

"Goodbye, Glenn..."

"Bye Mom! Love ya!"

I'm of the opinion that too many candy canes make you stupid.

Have a VERY Happy Holiday Everyone!!!

As told by moiLips 21:13 PM ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

If your going to call and try to cover your butt, get your story straight....

*answering the phone*


"Yes, Em....."

"You got a package from Amazon, is Glenn getting a Milan Hejduk for Christmas?!" (the action figure, not the person).

"Why did you open the package, Em?!"

"Cuz, we thought maybe it was a present for you..."

"Was it address to me?!"


"Then it was something I ordered and not a present, right"

".....Glenn told me to!"

"Glenn is 3 1/2 years younger then you, a foot shorter and I know you can take him still, I've seen it! So, why are you all of a sudden listening to Glenn?! And did he see it?!"


"Let me get this straight, a package arrived addressed to me from Amazon, you thought it was a present for me and thought you had better open it after your younger brother told you to, (although you have never done what he's told you to do before). And although Glenn is the one bossing you around all of a sudden, he didn't actually take part in the opening of the package and didn't see what was in it?!

"...um, yeah"

"Great, cuz guess what you're giving Glenn for Christmas!!! And lucky thing he didn't see it, uh?!"

"....um, yeah..."

"Bye, Em"

"Um, bye Mom"

3 more days.......

As told by moiLips 29:14 AM ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Have a WONDERFUL day, Jules!

As told by moiLips 212:01 AM ...

Monday, December 20, 2004

The regrets of answering the phone....


"Yes, Em?....."

"Would you tell Glenn to take a shower, he smells!!"
*in the background, boy-child yelling "I DO NOT!!"*

*sigh* And so begins Christmas vacation.......

As told by moiLips 21:47 PM ...

Friday, December 17, 2004

Dear Parents....

"At approximately 10:30 a.m. today, we became aware of significant police activity several blocks from our school. A check with the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office confirmed police were attempting to find and apprehend a home burglary suspect in the area. To assure the safety of our students and staff, we were directed to "Lock Down"........"

As a bonus, this notice was a "twofer"! Both kids' schools were in locked down for 5 hours. Now for them to locked down the school for a home burglar might be a bit overboard for some. But thinking of all the things that can and have happened over the years, I'm glad they erred on the side of caution. And having been personally involved in two botched robbery attempts at the bank, that had me being held hostage and gassed, I know how things can go very wrong in a heartbeat. So better safe then sorry.

The kids are OK. They were more focused on the excitement of the whole thing and for that I'm glad. But LORD!!! It's definitely something that will throw your evening into a whole different direction when you walk through the door and get handed something like that!!

This weekend is for family things and getting the presents to the out of town relatives wrapped and ready to ship. (Damn pillows!) I checked with UPS and I've got until the 21st! (It pays to have daily UPS pick-up @ work! LOL) So I hope everyone has a great "last weekend before the Holidays" and you get everything done and we can all just enjoy the week before Santa comes!

Have a good one!

As told by moiLips 29:34 AM ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Cloning....Does the world really need (or want) two of ME?!

I think not. But I love ya RE for the sentiment. Thought instead of posting back a comment to the last entry's comments, I would just post a response as a blog entry. There by saving time and I'm all about that right now! LOL.

Jules, working you in was NO PROBLEM! Besides I was just growling at the kids anyways. Meems for trying to do a end run around mom and tell dad she had a project due and needed molding clay and paint to make jewelry for her Egypt project! That she's known about for two weeks.... I mean really, did she not think he wasn't going to call me right away?! And of course he did, and of course girl-child felt my wrath!! Boodge for casually saying to dad that all the homework he had due was a paragraph he had to write. When grilled by dad on the exact nature of this paragraph it was determined that it needed to be several paragraphs, have a draft, edited and typed. Not exactly what the boy had described. And of course Hubby had a coaches meeting and he's telling me this on the cell phone as he's leaving the little angels!! So no Jules, having you rant and rave was a nice break from my own tirade!!

So while I'm stopping at Michaels (craft store) for Meems stuff I look for some stuff I need for those STUPID pillows I said I was making for the grandparents. Those aren't going together quite as well as I would like. But, I've got time since the other presents going with them haven't arrived from Amazon yet! Perfect! And Kim, while I'm standing there trying to figure out how to salvage those pillows I thought to myself - "I bet Kim and her damn bedazzler could have done this!" So there E*V*I*L thang, you're in my thoughts too!! LOL

Oh and KC..... Guess what, haven't got that catching up figured out yet!!

As told by moiLips 29:58 PM ...

Friday, December 10, 2004

Catching up.... If that's possible @ this time of the year.

So - Hi again! Busy week, what's new. Let start off with last Friday's fun. Got myself out of work and down to the T-Birds game, in Friday night traffic, early! So I'm sitting in the car, touching up the make-up and hair when this truck pull up beside me and the girl in the front seat is staring at me with this bizarro look on her face! Oh yes, it's my daughter.... Perfect timing and we all head off to the game together. Fun, fun, blah, blah....

3rd Period and I head off to be @ Fado's by 10:00pm to see Lars' final show *tear, sniffle* The place is PACKED! OMG, the heat generated by all those bodies, well needless to say, I lost the bangs! Hair curled right up! So much for that urban sophisticated look I had cultivated. LOL! But seeing everybody was a lot of fun! And a wonderful surprise, there in the crowd stood "Mojo" Brian and his lovely wife CJ!! I had e-mailed to see if part of the Seattle DL crew wanted to hook up and there they were! What a GREAT treat that was! Because of how busy and packed the place was, it was hard to talk at first, but eventually we found ourselves a spot and had a nice chat! We practically have LepCon planned BTW, if anyone is interested! LOL!

After finally waking up on Saturday ( Yeah, I missed the boy-childs game) It was off to Meems piano recital. That was a rather amusing experience..... Boodge and Hubby had a All-star practice at 2:40, Meems recital started at 2:00. Hubby had worked it out with the Piano teacher to have Meems be one of the first up so they could see her play and then bolt. And bolt they did! Both of them were sitting there in their SJHA hockey warm-ups, tapping their feet and fidgeting. The minute she walked off stage, hubby blows her a kiss and sez to me "we're outta here!" and off they go. We followed after everyone else was done and there's Meems in the back of the van, trying to changed in to her jeans while I'm heading down the road to the ice rink!

Since I missed his game, I thought I'd show up for his first all-star practice. And I'm glad I did. Ran into parents I knew from the neighborhood that go to school with Glenn or Emily and we sat down and had a nice time chatting while the kids were on the ice.

The rest of the weekend was a blur and we end up back at Monday. Last week was a train wreck! My bud, Dede was in Hawaii (Bitch!) and so I stayed home later in the mornings and did double duty with the car pool routine, running kids to the middle school and then and hour later, the elementary school. So this meant I got to work an hour later (to a pile of work!) and had to stay an hour later. It was recital week for Meems dance classes, so she had extra classes and the boy and hubby had extra hockey practices too. And to top it off, I got the Xmas bug.....

The Xmas Bug.... This is what happens every year. I can't help it, it's just how it happens. Every year I have every intention of getting my xmas shopping done early. But what happens is this: I get everyone's present figured out EXCEPT one. It varies from year to year, but there is always one person I get stuck on. And for some reason since I have everybody else figured out, I don't actually buy anyone else's present, I just fixate on the one I can't figure out. And then I'll be out somewhere and I'll find it! That one present, the perfect present! The flood gates open and I'm in the zone!!
I must shop until all present have been bought and I am done! If I don't I will explode!! Trust me, I will.

And so with everything else happening last week - double car pools, double dance practices, double hockey practices, band recitals, dance recitals and all the rest - I power shopped! And everything is taken care of.... Except for the pillows. The kids and I got this wild hair to make pillows with their pics on them for the grandparents - STUPID*STUPID*STUPID!! If they turn out, I'll post a pic. Who knows when....

Have a great week everyone!

As told by moiLips 28:41 AM ...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The phone censors....

Not a lot of time, but have to share a total "Boodge" moment:

I get a call from the boy-child yesterday letting me know he was home from school ( he had to come home by himself yesterday). So we're talking - Ok he's talking, he had just got his Goosebumps book order and was ever so excited. I finally get a word in and as I'm talking, out of the blue he says "Mom, did you just swear?!" ..... Huh?! "No! What are you talking about?!" He says "Well while you were talking the phone beeped! I thought you said a bad word!" And he says it in that very "tsk, tsk" kind of way.....

OMG!!! I couldn't stop laughing. Someone else was calling in while I was talking, when it beeped he thought it was like on TV when someone swears!!

The mind of a child......*sigh*

As told by moiLips 212:34 PM ...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Ok, so it's Wednesday.....

Time to get over that BIG hump! In my case though instead of being on the downhill side, I'm on the uphill side of things.

Let's see - well of course it's the start of all those holiday festivities and that means recital time. Tonight Meems has dance from 5-9 pm to get ready for the performance dance/competition teams performance on Thursday. Thursday also means Hubby has his hockey game. Unfortunately I think this week it's the late game and so he won't be home until after 1:00 am Friday morning. Which will make him fun to be around Friday night!! And of course Friday night, we have tickets to another T- Birds game.

Oh and I'm also suppose to go see my favorite local band at my favorite local pub. Can Karrie be in two places at once?! Pleeez, you have to ask.... Leave the Key Arena a few minutes early, zip out of the parking lot and I'm already on 1st Ave, straight shot downtown and I'm there by 10:00pm. Lars did promise that he wouldn't start 'till I got there, but I won't push it! Geez, wouldn't it be nice if other bands bowed to my will, hmmmmm. LOL! It will be a busy, fun and sad night. Sad because this is the final performance for the band. *tear* I'll miss the Friday night at Fado thing.

But no time to pout, Saturday we have Meems piano recital, Boodge's hockey game (@ 6:30 in the morning!That one's debatable on my calendar). And it was just announced that Boodge was named Asst Captain! So Hey for him! He then has practice for the all-star team. He also practices on Sunday, so there goes that whole "Day of Rest" thing.

I'm tired already! Have a great week and great weekend if I can't pop in again.

As always, you Diva's come drop by the Domain.

As told by moiLips 25:00 PM ...

Find me wherever the Av's or DL are....LOVE MY JOES!
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It's a "Viv Thing" Don't ask me why.....

Look who came to visit Moi....


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