Friday, September 30, 2005
Hockey Mom is back.
Yep, this weekend officially starts the hockey season around our house. Boy-child plays 3 games this weekend, my beloved T-Birds’ home openers is Saturday night and Sunday afternoon Kent and kidlets will be going to the Totems.
Girl-child is doubly excited about this weekend because its boys and hockey and she’s been pretty much in solitary confinement/lock-down for 3 weeks. (I won’t even go into why, I’m trying to forget the whole thing) So here we go!!
I’m fighting the crud that Hubby was soooooo sweet to share. And since I have no time to curl up and hide, I’m muddling through. But if this throbbing behind my left eye doesn’t let up I may be looking like our favorite pirate. Oh well, there’s a hell of a lot worse things happening in the world so I’ll stop the bitchin’.
Plans have been made for Vegas… mostly. I’m crossing everything I’ve got hoping Kim T can still make it!! Sad that E*V*I*L Kim can’t (Next time! – We keep sayin’ it, but one of theses days IT WILL HAPPEN!). And everyone else seems to be popping up with their confirmations, so this should be fun and interesting….mwahahaha.
Before Vegas, the Tuesday before to be precise, I’ll be going to the show @ the Everett Event Center. And my concert buddy will be the girl-child! Well Dede’s going too, but nothing like having a Diva with me! Meems is very excited to finally get to go. She bugs me all the time and I put her off with the comment “If they play Everett, I’ll take ya” And damn their evil hides, look what they go and do! But her enthusiasm is a bit contagious and just what I needed, since I’ve become a bit road weary.
Normally, I make it a rule never to listen to the band before a show, so it’s all “fresh” when I see it. But we’ve gotten in to the habit of listening to the CD’s in the car on the way to and from dance so the girl knows them better. She’s a fan (Slang is her favorite). But she doesn’t know them word for word and I told her if she looked like one of those weirdos you see lip-synching BADLY, I had no qualms about kicking her to the curb! LOL! But she seems to like doing it ‘cuz when I picked her up Wednesday night (after a lovely chat with Jules – mwah!) she jumped in the car and asked “What are we listening to tonight Mom?!” And it wasn’t in that 13 year old sarcastic tone! So I’m getting excited about us doing this one together.
And Miss Patty! Excited for you and hope all is well. BTW, I bit the bullet and threw Boodge’s stink bomb Calgary Flames hat in the wash (used one of those hat thingys) and it came out stink free and clean!!! He really loves that hat and sez it’s his good luck charm and helped him get on the Rep team, so I’m glad it was saved! The “C” is actually white….who knew! It’s been gray for so long.
Have a GREAT WEEKEND Everyone! Hope its busy and adventurous or slow and relaxing, whatever you’re wishing it to be.
Chat Later!
As told by moi 11:01 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
*****WARNING!***** *****PROUD PARENT MOMENT*****
It is with great pride that I announce that the boy-child made the cut and is now an official Squirt-Rep!!! Basically this is the “select” team that represents SJHA in the state conference. So making the team is a BIG DEAL! Boodge put his whole heart and soul into making it this year, so I am one proud hockey Mom!!
This also means that since it’s the state conference, guess who gets to do more traveling!!
I’m doomed to never unpack those suitcases!
Chat later.
As told by moi 8:03 AM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Well $350 later…. I have a new alternator and my car is running again. Yeah! Can you guess how excited I am? Crap! Like I needed this right now. Oh yes, what a lovely evening last night was! Well, parts of it were – Since I was stopped dead in my tracks, I was able have a nice long chat with Jules. A nice silver lining to a rather dismal evening.
My oh my! Are my kidlets beat this week. And it’s only Wednesday. Em started dance classes again this week and she has come out red-faced and panting like a dog. I have NO sympathy! I told her practically everyday over summer vacation to keep up with her stretching and at least do the Pilates video a few times a week. But NOPE she didn’t.
Glenn has been in squirt-rep tryouts since Saturday. Everyday he’s had to battle it out. Last night when Dad and Glenn picked me up from my poor dead vehicle, the little guy was wilting. He’s totally beat and he has possibly two more days of this, if he makes the cut. If he doesn’t make the cut, he has to go back this Saturday and Sunday for “C” evaluations for the “in-house” hockey teams. I would like to feel bad, but there’s hubby telling him “I told you so”. Because while I was warning Em not to just sit around all summer, Hubby was warning Glenn he had better do some “dry-land” work to keep in shape. Neither one of them did squat! So now they SUFFER! HaHa! I know, we’re evil. But, we’re also right.
And now I must be off. Had to hitch a ride to work with Dede and came in late. Oh and while we’re driving in I checked messages on my phone thinking it might be the dude about my car. Wrong! It’s my mother saying she just wanted to check in and btw dad’s going in tomorrow for a “procedure”. Something to do with the arthritis in his back. Great! So I guess my lunch will be spent trying to find out about this “procedure”.
Chat later.
As told by moi 11:23 AM
Monday, September 12, 2005
This week marks the official start of the 9 months known as “It’s all about the kids”. School, Meems dance – She’s taking 4 classes again and at some point performance/competition team will start too, and Boodge’s hockey – Squirt Rep tryouts were all this weekend, guess we’ll see where he ends up this week. Also the Hubby’s hockey starts up again this week too. Let the fun begin.
I don’t complain, why bother. And the martyr moments to come just get added to the stock pile of brownie points earned by Moi that keeps everyone’s mouth shut when Mom announces she’s headin’ off somewhere. Which I will be soon, and they aren’t sayin’ a word!! Hehe.
Weekend was spent with all of us going in different directions. Well, I went in one direction and the rest of the fam. went in another. Friday was spent buying B-day gifts for friends and family. Just me wondering around picking up things here and there at the mall., *sigh*. Saturday was Boodge’s squirt rep tryouts and then they were off to the grandparents for a B-day party. But I had already committed to another B-day party for a friend and couldn’t make it. Guess who had more fun?!
Sunday had me up at the crack of dawn for try-outs again. Since I missed Saturday, I said I’d be there Sunday. Stupid after the night before, but there are some more of those martyr points! I did find that I can pick up the Strawberry Margarita mix (w/Jose Cuervo already in it) at the local liquor store. This, I think, will come in mighty handy in the future! I mean, all I need is a glass and some ice and most hotels have that, right?!
Kids broke free for the afternoon and headed off to their corners. Em in front of the computer and Glenn off to Dede’s house to play with her 10 year old terror. I guess Dede had to chase them out of a tree, for which Glenn will be getting an earful. He’s already broken his arm and he’s not going to like sitting out the hockey season with a cast! Hubby and I completing blew the afternoon watching old movies! Ok, one was a classic old movie – Fred Astaire in “The Band Wagon” and the other was a classic – Elvis in “Spin Out!” Now Hubby clued me in that this was the movie the cult classic cartoon “Speed Racer” was partially based on and so it was fun to watch together picking out the similarities and laughing our asses off making smart-ass remarks (we do that…..A LOT!)
Kids and Hubby then headed back to the ice rink again for the Washington Totems (the high schoolers, not by beloved T-Birds!)season opener. Yes!! Sunday afternoon hockey and the afternoon to myself is BACK!! And that’s a VERY NICE way to end the weekend!!
Chat later!
As told by moi 12:52 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
What else, what else….
Well I have to say I personally enjoyed to Bryan Adams shows. There was something about the outdoor setting and his songs that just seemed to fit. I thought it was a nice combo.
Grrrrrr! Why-oh-why does JTE have to wear the sleeveless shirt?! Or if he’s going to, get up a little earlier and hit the gym with Phil and Viv! I’ve seen the man wear a nice, normal t-shirt and a pair of jeans and look fabulous! And then he steps on stage, and those arms are exposed….GRRRR! I have “Oprah arms” and know to keep them covered, that’s all I’m sayin’
Because of the above, I became quite fond of looking at Viv. Hmmm…..(yes, I’ve gone to my happy place for a moment) …………………………………………
As much as I like the way (most) of the boys look on stage, I’m a wee bit sick and tired of seeing the same outfits over and over again. I mean, on the last tour at least they seemed to switch between a couple of different things. Now I'm not saying I liked what they were always wearing, but at least it was different.
Sugar packets and PSSOM…..not as clever as some people think. Especially when people decide it would be a riot to pour the sugar packet on the people in front of them. Really, what the f*ck are you thinking?
I have total sympathy for those who travel often. You see those looks on their faces, I now understand them.
While it’s been pretty much been established that flying can cause puffiness….why do the airlines pass out salted peanuts?!
I have decided I really like having a seat to plant my butt for the show. Granted that is if my butt’s not completely numb and/or puffy from the airlines and too much driving. And I really need to be in the first 5 rows. Yeah, I’ve decided to become picky.
Now when it comes to G/A – I happen to find it’s just fine to stand off to the side a bit and avoid the crowd jammed in the middle and still have a great time. Ok…. It’s the Viv side and that might have something to do with it – maybe.
And that’s all for now.
As told by moi 5:22 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
There will be plenty of descriptions of La Crosse/Chicago floating around out there. So I thought I would just pulled out some random thoughts about everything that comes to mind about the whole summer of living out of my luggage.
First off all - Yes, I've been living out of a suitcase. Or 3 to be more precise. I have 3 stacked up at the foot of my bed. Because I never quite had the time to unpack one, before I need to pack another. Sounds weird, but I'm going to a concert with the same band......I can't wear the same thing! So at some point, I'm going to have to get that sorted out before the tower topples and hurts someone, namely moi!
Why is it necessary to drink yourself to the point of getting arrested and miss the concert? If you think about it, this was mostly a general admission tour; so you stand in line all day, get shit faced and then get kicked out….make sense? But I think for the most part, the ones getting the drunkest are the annoying “Def Leppard? There still around?” people. They only show to hear “Pour some sugar on me” ‘cuz it’s the only song they know and annoy the rest of us!!
Port-a-potties, Ugh! G/A means standing around in line with no ‘facilities’. Unless you’re oh so lucky to get a port-a-potty. Some venues were gracious enough to provide more then one. Kansas City was not one of these…. 1 damn pot to piss in. Nasty!
Billy Squier sitting in a chair playing a guitar and singing whatever and however the hell he wants does not pump the crowd up for what’s to come. Ok, he wanted to go acoustic. Fine. But when playing your “hits”, at least sing a version and tempo similar to the original so the crowd you’re annoying can make an attempt to sing along and get in to it! Most annoying!
It is possible to feel uncomfortable being at too many shows. Ya know, if you go to enough shows and stand around in the same general area; you can get the distinct impression people think you’re a stalker. Now the only saving grace is the fact the person who goes with you is different (and the reason you went to that show in the first place). But still, you do have a tendency to get a bit paranoid people are looking at you funny.
Canada has Vexx!! This is by far my new favorite concert beverage. And the fact you get it with ice, a straw and in a cup with a lid….. Oh C*A*N*D*A!!!
Nothing – NOTHING can’t beat the sight of a 5-6 women standing in a row against a barricade grabbing their boobs and not facing the band! This happened in Chicago when these two escapees from the farmyard were going at it and Kim, Jules, Jess, I and a couple of girls hangin with us along the fence were describing this pleasant *snort* display to other people.
More later as I think of it.
As told by moi 2:43 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I've said it before and I'll say it again: A - I love you more then my luggage!! Seems there was some "misinformation and miscommunication" on our Canadian trek and Mr A was under the impression that I was mad at HIM! Him? No, not HIM! But the nicest hug and a late night bull session and I think a few things have been cleared up and truths exposed.
Sound a bit cryptic? Well I don't want to air all the dirty laundry and hopefully there are those out there that can figure it out and read between the lines. In the light of a new day, you have to giggle when 'posers' try and mess with the true Divas.
Well I'm running on 2 hours sleep, but worth every minute of it! Kim and Jess, hope you made it home safe and you're SLEEPING!! It was GREAT to hook up with you guys!! Let's do it again sometime. Maybe in a few months.....
More later.
As told by moi 7:26 AM
Le Diva Blogs
Guilt by Association Blogs
Weather in Seattle
Just a few little items...

Find me wherever the Av's or DL are....LOVE MY JOES!
It's a "Viv Thing" Don't ask me why.....
Look who came to visit Moi....
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
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01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
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10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006
11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006