As told by moi
8:39 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
By an Anonymous 2nd grade teacher
I've been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have
two kids myself, but the best birth story I know is
the one I saw in my own second-grade classroom a few
years back. When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell.
So I always have a few sessions with my students. It
helps them get over shyness and usually, show-and-tell
is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, model
airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like
that. And I never, ever place any boundaries or
limitations on them. If they want to lug it in to
school and talk about it, they're welcome.
Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright,
very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to
the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her
She holds up a snapshot of an infant. "This is Luke,
my baby brother, and I'm going to tell you about his
birthday. First, Mom and Dad made him as a symbol of
their love, and then Dad put a seed in my Mom's
stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine
months through an umbrella cord."
She's standing there with her hands on the pillow, and
I'm trying not to laugh and wishing I had my camcorder
with me. The kids are watching her in amazement.
"Then, about two Saturdays ago, my Mom starts saying
and going, 'Oh, oh, oh, oh!' " Erica puts a hand
behind her back and groans. "She walked around the
house for, like an hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!'" Now this kid
is doing a hysterical duck walk and groaning.
"My Dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies,
but she doesn't have a sign on the car like the
Domino's man. They got my Mom to lie down in bed like
this. Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.
"And then, pop! My Mom had this bag of water she kept
in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up
and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!" This
kid has her legs spread and with her little hands are
miming water flowing away. It was too much!
"Then the middle wife starts saying 'push, push,' and
'breathe, breathe.' They started counting, but never
even got past ten. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my
brother. He was covered in yucky stuff, they all said
it was from Mom's play-center, so there must be a lot
of stuff inside there."
Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and
returned to her seat. I'm sure I applauded the
loudest. Ever since then, if it's show-and-tell day, I
bring my camcorder, just in case another Erica comes
As told by moi
9:55 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Guess what?! The rain is still here…. *sigh*.
Although I hear that other places around here have actually seen a strange glowing orb in the sky shooting off strange rays of light! But where I'm at it's still wet. And we don’t have access to the computer program we need around here, so I thought I’d update this.
Um, rain. No hockey games for the boy this weekend so Boodge went to a friend’s house. He pretty much camped out there until Sunday. More rain.
Sunday we had a T-Birds game. And guess what, Miss Em is over her depression – Surprise, Surprise!! The new goalie that was part of the trade was in at goal and when a fight broke out between the teams; he ran right over and got into it. Don’t see the goalie do that much and it sparked a bit of interest in the new guy. As predicted, on to the next….. More rain.
Stayed up WAY to late on Sunday night and watched the 2-part Farscape movie. It was on until 4:00am. I managed to jump into bed and pretend to be asleep, just as hubby’s alarm started going off. Drifted off to sleep for real to the sound of…..rain. I had Monday off and so did the kids, so we went to the movies and saw the Chronicles of Narnia. More rain.
So….. Yes Cali-Kim, come on up and be shocked and amazed at the ‘fro that is my pre-Diva hair! Aqua-Net DOES NOT cure all! Kim-terp, I took SOME pitty on the hubby…some. Don’t want to leave the impression this could happen all the time, it would just confuse the boy thing. Lol! RE – Take the rain back! Really, you can have it. We really don’t want it anymore. REALLY! And thank you Miss Patty for offering to take some of this dampness – but I know how your ‘chinook’ weather can be. You’ll probably get your fair share here soon! Lol. And thanks for all the words of wisdom ‘bout the girl-child. I knew she’d snapped out of it.
Off for now. Must try and get something done, although with all the down time everybody is doing nothing but talking about the Seahawks. And Miss Jules, as I predicted – I snuck a peaked at the game, just as things went downhill in the 4th. So I was told to leave the room ‘cuz I was jinxing things again! And low and behold, things went right again. So much for the luck of the Irish!
Chat later!
As told by moi
10:10 AM
Friday, January 13, 2006
Rain, Rain go away…..
Even for Seattle, this is too much. 26 straight days of the stuff. I’m getting a wee bit tired of the flooding, the mudslides, and feeling damp all the time and let’s not even get started on my hair!! I’ve just started saying yes when people asked if I got my hair permed, why fight it.
Honestly, we really don’t get all that much rain up here, it’s just always gray and people assume its rain. According to CNN: “Though Seattle is famous for its rain, the city's average annual rainfall from 1970 to 2000 was 37.07 inches, compared to 49.71 inches for New York City.” Aha! So there! “Seattle natives often joke that it's easy to spot the tourists and transplants when it's raining because they're the ones using umbrellas.” Well this time we’re all lugging them around. It’s just gross around here.
Things are even grayer at my house. I have a thirteen year old drama queen going through the first (of many) lost crushes. One of Em’s favorite players has been traded (any of you who’ve been around know about our infamous “walks” between periods at the T-Birds games…) She’s been mopping around all week, wearing his picture pin and being very dramatic. I haven’t said a word, I know what it’s like and know better then to try and fix it. Her father on the other hand is in a total stupor. He walks around with this dumbfounded look on his face trying to figure out her problem. He asked me and I simply told him – She’s 13 and a girl. She will get over it when she gets over it and there’s nothing you can do about it - he’s such a guy! Lol! Sunday we have our first game “post-trade”, we’ll see how it goes.
And I’m off. Gotta go check on Hubby. Found him this morning squatting in front of the dishwasher. When I asked him if he was going to empty it or just move the dishes with his mind he informed me he couldn’t get up ‘cuz his back was messed up. So I have to be nice to him now I guess….. hehe!
Have a Great DRY weekend everyone!!
Chat later.
As told by moi
8:58 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
It’s hard to get children in to the car with big heads……
But I will forgive them THIS TIME, because they had every reason to after this weekend.
The fun started on Friday night when we went to the T-Birds game. We happen to sit by the father and grandfather of one of the players on the opposing team, but after chatting it up with the hubby (he was wearing my Sheffield Steelers jersey, which was a great conversation starter!)We all became fast friends and they really got a kick out of my little budding NHL star. So they asked Boodge if he would like to come down to the locker rooms after the game to meet the team. Oh twist his arm!! Hubby had a hockey game of his own that night and had to leave the game early, so the task fell to me to get the boy “backstage”. As he’s leaving, hubby has the gall to ask “you can get him to the locker room or the busses, right?” *snort* after the look I gave him, he was quite contrite. So I ‘managed’ to get Glenn down to ‘meet the guys’.
It must have given him a bunch of confidence because the next day at his game, he was on fire!! I’ve never seen his little legs pumping like they were this weekend. He’s playing defense this year, and when the other team was heading down the ice, he was right there. Switching on a dime and skating backwards with that little zigzag and popping the puck away. Covered the net when he needed and not once in those two games did the other team score on his line! The parents around me were very generous with their compliments on his performance. He really shined out there! And this was another team from Canada! Finally we won against the Canadians! (Love you Patty and Jude, but it was pretty sweet! Lol!)
Not to be outdone, DJ Em was doing music and has a new bunch of fans. I was standing there at the end of the game and noticed some of the other parents pointing at me….hmmm, now what? Well, next thing I know the parents from the visiting team are heading my way and heaping ooooodles of praise on my girl-child for the music she did during the game! Wow! Thanks very much! So I head off to help her and hubby with the post-game clean up on the bench and of course let her know her dj skills were well received. Well on the way back to the locker rooms, the entire coaching staff for the team we played (and the older team that came with them) stopped Kent and couldn’t stop RAVING about Em’s music. Telling Kent they had not seem music that well done at this or any level of junior hockey! That she was NHL caliber! Well, the same thing happens at the game on Sunday. And after the game (which we won - sweeter!) they went on and on again AND THEN asked if she would play at their game when we went up there in two weeks!! I had to tease her about now having ‘out of town’ guest appearances….. Were we going to have to get her a tour bus? At which she replied, ‘well if you're nice, I might get you an ‘all access’ pass to the booth’….smart ass little DiT!! Oh and soooo my daughter!!! Hehehe!
Chat later!
As told by moi
9:48 AM
Friday, January 06, 2006
Well Everyone, have a GREAT WEEKEND!!
Other then that, there's really not much to report. I'm working on getting a new birth certificate and have been going back and forth with that most of the week. Looks like I won't be getting it before next weekend so the rest of the family will be traveling to Canada again for another game without me. On the upside, it is a 3 day and it will be nice to have a extra day to myself! lol.
I think I have snow-blindness. Okay, not really but I have been staring at an excel spreadsheet I'm trying to create here at work all week and it's driving my eyes a bit batty. So I'm glad for the weekend to rest the peepers a bit.
Speaking of work, I can't seems to look at comments on my blog or some of the others out there. Some work, some don't. So I have been taking a peek at what up in all your lives, just haven't been able to say Hi! I can go directly to my account with Haloscan and view mine, but of course not yours. I can see them at home, but I have been so busy that I can't always find the time to check in. Anyhoo! Hello Everyone! I'm still thinkin' about ya!!
And on that note, I'm outta here. Got to call Mom about something relating to the Birth Certificate drama.
Talk to you later!!
As told by moi
11:55 AM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
It was twenty years ago today...........
Yep, it's my anniversary!

I was of course a child bride, I couldn't possibly be THAT old! *snort*
Love ya, Kent! Here's to another twenty (and more!)
As told by moi
7:26 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
Hello Again!!
Well it's a new year and I'm back. Yippee, uh? Oh well. So I won't bore you with the details, there aren't many. Christmas was nice, quite but it seems everyone was happy with their gifts and it was nice just the four of us hanging around eating junk food and playing with the stuff. The day after (or boxing day), the family went to Canada. I say the family, because I didn't.
Seems that where I thought my birth certificate was and where it might actually be are not the same. I couldn't find it and therefore couldn't get over the border. We called customs and it was 'possible' but no guarantee because of the heighten security for the holidays and the World Juniors (hockey, people). So we decided not to try. So I guess I'll be getting in touch with Shawnee County, KS and getting a new one. As predicted by moi, we got royally spanked by the canadians (go figure) but it seems the #1 team has a record of only having had 7 shots on goal against them up to that point and our boys managed to get 5 on them, so they took pride in that. And of course when a bunch of 10 year olds are involved, the best part was the pool and playing 'shinny stick' in the hallways. So a good time was had by all.
And where was I.......I was hiding out! I shut everything down and did what needed to be done around here but never gets done. I finally unpacked all those suitcases, cleaned the carpets, and all the other stuff that might be considered 'spring cleaning'. Boy did it feel good. In between I burned a ton of music - everything from A Long December to Ziggy Stardust and just chilled.
But, I've missed you all and have decided to peek my head out and see what's up with y'all.
And until 'that band' decides to come out and play again, I will have my hands full with my life long obsessions: Family.

My Dancer:

My Hockey Player:

As for the upcoming year...I hope and plan on hookin' up with my favorite gal and travel pal and making the summer another one to remember. (Yup, those luggage tags were a hint! LOL!)

And here's to hoping we all meet up along the way!!!
The best memories are those that include all the friends you meet along the way!
Here's to a GREAT 2006!!
As told by moi
7:51 PM